Monday, December 30


 A great stay in one of the largest "white hill towns" .
We saw 3 interesting places in this town.

Modern bull fighting rituals were formulated 
in Ronda, in the 1800's.
And...this is their Plaza de Toros..
...a most interesting museum .
Don Quiote by Joaquin Peinado...
Joaquin was Ronda's famous artist .
Joaquin ,with his friend Picasso. 
This museum displayed both of their paintings. 
A lovely building 'n gallery which we enjoyed .....all alone. 
This bridge connects the old Moorish town (on the left) with their new town. It crosses a 360 ft. deep gorge, which is 200 feet wide. 
This bridge was built in 1750's .
It is a looooonnnng way down ...
Note: pix above, the visitors are out on the platform
enjoying view of the country side.