Thursday, December 26

Holy Toledo ! ! !

We rented a car in Madrid for our drive around Spain.
Our first night is at this city, about an hour south of Madrid.
Toledo was Spain's political capital till 1561.
This former fortified hill town, has a maze of narrow streets. Some can be used by cars. Note: their Cathedral is located in middle of pix above..
This Catholic Cathedral was built 1226-1495.
It has continued to be Spain's religious center....

and it is immense with a fabulous interior ! 
This huge intricate gold screen + sculptures were finished in 1504, and looks like it was completed yesterday !
The 750 stained glass windows are about 500 years old.
Toledo's well known artist, El Greco, 
was commissioned to do these portraits for the cathedral abt.1580 .
Then at Toledo's Santa Cruz Museum, 
there were 15 more of his paintings. 
We enjoyed the entire display in this room....
just the 2 of us.    :~)
A night view of Toledo, as seen from our hotel roof top.