Tuesday, December 3

Istanbul ~ #1

Of course, we went to the Spice Market... 
and their Grand Bazaar.

Of course... we had Turkish coffee.
and ....Turkish delights !

The highlight, you ask???  It was the Blue Mosque !
Ground level....
....the upper dome interior!   Fabulous! Tiles !! 
Topkapi Palace and Harem apts....
It is now a huge museum area.
And... the Hagia Sophia, Istanbul's most impressive museum. It is so tall that our Statue of Liberty will fit upright in it's dome. Built....A.D. 537
We stayed 2 days in this fast paced city. 
We looked down from our verandah ..amazed at the commuter traffic.  
The water crafts moved from Asian Istanbul over to Europe Istanbul.
 It was a 24/7 show ....with dozens of boats zipping about. 

These little boats sold only "fried fish sandwiches".
The fish were caught on the Gelata Bridge aka the main roadway 

from old town to the new town.
Fishing, along with pedestrian, car + tram traffic on the bridge top level. The lower level is all shops + restaurants. The commuter boats shuttle on both sides of the bridge, and /or go under the bridge. 
Sure enjoyed watching all the activity right from our verandah.