Monday, September 19

Bruge or Brugge or Bruges

Until the 15th century, Bruges was a top European commercial + trading center. Then silting of the river channel halted their export/trading. Bruges became the end of the 1800's, its population dwindling from 200,000 to 50,000.
Then about the 1970's, Bruges became one of the world's tourist destinations ...ahhhh, discovered !!!   The historic city center now has a population of 20,000 It is a prominent
UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000.
Bruges was designated 'European Capital of Culture' in 2002.
Market Square.... one side.

This side has the Town Center Bldg...with Bell Tower. The bells serenade often during the day + evening.

Another side of the square, has buildings that date from 1600's

Wednesday is Market Day...we were able to see all the activity!