Friday, September 16

Stockholm, Sweden

To get to city of Stockholm we spent several hours traveling along the shipping channel thru the islands. Some pix below of that scenic + enjoyable start of our day. Several cruise ships were in the queue that wove back'n forth thru the islands!  Our ship went back out thru that same channel in late afternoon + sunset.

remember if you click on the will view them larger. :)

There are more than 24,000 islands that stretch for miles along the Swedish shore line.  Some of them are just rocks, others large enough for a single cottage.

Stockholm is a lovely setting along the water ways with bridges connecting the various islands to create their "city".

                  Stockholm is known as ..the city that floats on water.

 Royal Palace area + Gamla Stan=old city is an active commercial city that now shares the same space as original/historic 13th c. buildings/stores.               City is charming! clean ! colorful !

"Vasa" the Royal Viking warship of 1628 sank 20 minutes into it's maiden voyage. It was the most expensive + lavishly decorated naval vessal that Sweden had ever built. It was discovered in 1956, raised up in restored with 95% original wood.  The Vasa Museet has been built around the ship + they continue with conservation it is a dark setting. Impressive to see + to learn about the reconstruction.       Huge!

So many life size carvings !

We also had time to visit the Nordiska Museets (1891), a couple "gold decorated" cathedrals, the Nobel Museum, original town square/area   'n   walked narrow historic streets + alleys. 

Then we walked along the esplanade back to our ship. Perfect weather + perfect day in ABBA land!    :)