Saturday, April 14

Rome Favorites

One of my favorites when visiting Rome is the Santa Marie Majorie Church.
Long nave of pillars and "gold". At the end, behind the alter, is a huge room of "fabulous".

Entrance to the "Baths" ~ which is Jim's Favorite 

 The Baths of Diocletian. Built in A.D. 300, the thermal baths covered over 30 acres, could cleanse 3,000 Romans at one time. Michelangelo later help transform part of the bath ruins into this church.

 The church designed by Michelangelo, contains this fabulous organ...
Cooper, can you see the organist bench??

We both enjoy a visit to the Borghese Gallery ~ Cardinal's 17th c. mansion
Room after room of wonderful items...hard to see everything in two hours.
See above those doors????? 
Yes, they are carved cupids....sooooo cute!!

 Bernini was capable of working marble as if it were wax. It looks as soft 'n pliable as cloth! White marble = polished !

Bernini's Apollo + Daphne ~ awesome to see.

How did he manage to carve such fine details in the marble, as shown above.
Another favorite for us....The Church of Santa Maria Vittoria

The entire church is detailed and decorated!
The ceiling is fabulous with carved statues.

Full view of the ceiling!
......of course, there is the Trevi Fountain, always a favorite.