Thursday, June 23

Paris ~Top Ten

When in Paris, there is much to see 'n do....

or ...just stroll about. 
We did stroll and we also saw....
The FABULOUS Opera Garnier ~ 1875
...with Marc Chagall ceiling.
Pantheon ~ completed 1790
                                      Monet @ Musee de l'Orangerie
Center Pompidou 
Picasso Musee....recently renovated 'n now reopened.

The D'Orsay.. 
...ahhhh, art treasures !

We went to the those walls of 6 tapestries ~ 15th century.

Saw the Foundation Louis Vuitton designed by Frank Gehry.

An immense bldg.....see the people? Those colorful panels were recently added .
An over view to show pool and size of cars. Gorgeous setting...
Did some strolling at the Luxembourg Gardens.

See the Notre Dome ? ...of course.

~ A great time in Paris ~