Thursday, June 30


We had a really great....
 Busy place !!! And... this city is a colorful place. Seems every scene is picture worthy be it a vintage building, canal scene, museum, people, even bikes !

Amsterdam Central Train Station

Boats !
Bikes !
Of course everyone rides a bike here. 
How do they manage that + text message at same time !?

Van Gogh Musee ~ recently remodeled
Bloom Market

 The Rijksmuseum ~ established here in 1808
        This museum was closed for a 10 year renovation + reopened last year.
Rembrandt's "The Night Watch" created in 1642 when he was 36.
Delft pieces.. a wow for me, truly ! We plan to go to Delft, this week.
Oh yes...we do!  

Saturday, June 25

Next ....

      First to..                                                                             June 24 - 27

Ahhhh, those Belgium waffles !!!!!
 Grand'Place / Grote considered the grandest square in Europe.
note: the blue statues up on bldg. top
They are life sized.
Brussels City Hall 
Most buildings that surround the Grand'Palace date from 17th century.
And... their downtown area....
.....there is a variety of architecture styles.  

and...a variety of "delectables" + those Belgium chocolates.  
Now tis time to "train" north to....

 Amsterdam...                                                                      June 27 - 29

  Then it will be to Rotterdam                                     June 30 ~ July 2
We are staying at this Rotterdam hotel. 
Rem Koolhaas designed the Seattle Library
 and he also designed this hotel.
The small arches /lower right side is the HAL cruise ship terminal.

There we will begin our return cruise back to the USA on the "Rotterdam".
These bldgs are on the island where Holland Cruise Line started.
The bridge "over" is an awesome structure.

Thursday, June 23

Paris ~Top Ten

When in Paris, there is much to see 'n do....

or ...just stroll about. 
We did stroll and we also saw....
The FABULOUS Opera Garnier ~ 1875
...with Marc Chagall ceiling.
Pantheon ~ completed 1790
                                      Monet @ Musee de l'Orangerie
Center Pompidou 
Picasso Musee....recently renovated 'n now reopened.

The D'Orsay.. 
...ahhhh, art treasures !

We went to the those walls of 6 tapestries ~ 15th century.

Saw the Foundation Louis Vuitton designed by Frank Gehry.

An immense bldg.....see the people? Those colorful panels were recently added .
An over view to show pool and size of cars. Gorgeous setting...
Did some strolling at the Luxembourg Gardens.

See the Notre Dome ? ...of course.

~ A great time in Paris ~