Tuesday, May 24

North Wales

.....in Wales !!!

~We stayed May 22-24 in Conwy and drove around in North Wales ~

The Conwy Castle above. There are also town walls that enclose
the entire original city.

Castle ~ interior court
This is looking down on their harbor area from the castle walls / town side. 
The town walls are visible along back of picture.
...and then looking down on another side.
And....their Suspension Bridge over the River Conway.
We spent a sunny afternoon enjoying these fabulous gardens.
  Founded in 1874 ~ 80 acres. The Bodnant family still occupy the original home...see below.

Many unusual plants...one above is Davidia involucrata 
also called the "Handkerchief Tree"
~ Menziesia purpurea ~ 
And of course at path end....there was a tea house !
Lovely, just lovely !
Folks come from all over to see this Laburnum Arch in bloom.

Believe this was our "favorite" garden !    :>)
A drive to Snowdonia National Park (that mt. is in the background)
Para sailing off the mountain side ! Then we drove on to visit....
Construction started in 1283 by King Edward 1 of England

Great visit to Wales.... now on to see Ireland.