Saturday, November 30


Looking up at the Acropolis !!
a real WOW ! process.     :>)

the Erectheion much work in process
Looking down on the Agora area on one side.....
And looking down on the other side ....
the old theater and their new Acropolis Museum.
What a day in Athens !!

Friday, November 29


Arrived at this small port...
....with terrific vistas.

Wednesday, November 27

Cruise ~ 10 days

Cruise from Rome, then back to Naples 

Drive to the Port

We enjoyed this morning's drive from Orvieto
to the cruise port.  Sharing some scenes...

Olives...and olive groves above and below.

Tuesday, November 26


Orvieto...hill town viewed from across the valley
Closer view....the Duomo
Chathedral of Orvieto... 
 began in 1290
Front views of workmanship + use of gold + details ...below

~ Inlaid gold on all those columns ~

Monday, November 25

the Ultimate Hill Town

There I go on the narrow walkway over the canyon and up to....
What an awesome sight !
The hill town church built in 13th c.
Suppose to be about 50 residents living in this
"city in the sky". Maybe that many cats, also.

Several trattorias are open.
Spectacular hill town !
historical photo, note original walk way ...early 1900's

St Francis of Assisi

This is the Basilica of St. Mary of Angels ..16th c.
St Francis of Assisi  1181 - 1226
The grandiose Basilica above is built around this humble chapel where St. Francis actually lived, worked, and then died. This small chapel became to small to accommodate the pilgrims, so the Basilica was then built around it.

Sunday, November 24


... another hill town !
~ Basilica of St. Francis ~
Looking up...

So impressive !
....then looking down.
We walked all about...
....this interesting town !

: ~ )