Monday, October 31

Costa del Sol

We are docked at Malaga ... just look up at the Alcazaba + fort along the hill top.
We climbed the walkway up to the hill top + looked down....    
on our ship in the harbor
  and ...on the Plaza de Toros
and...on their Cathedral de Malaga ~ 1500's
...+ on their public gardens filled with tropical plants + flowers.  Then we walked down the hill + visited each of these places pictured.
We sure enjoyed this warm sunny day in their city .

Saturday, October 29

Palma de Mallorca

Carnival "Magic" @ Palma de Mallorca
 a colorful... Mediterranean Island 

Cathedral de Mallorca  ~ 1300's
one of the many small chapels within that church.
ahhhhhhhh.....we are "happy cruisers" again !    :>)

Friday, October 28

Cruising away.....

Farewell to Barcelona.....we depart on the "Magic" today.

Thursday, October 27

Barcelona Museum

Museu National D'Art De Catalunya ..........specializes in Catalunya art work from 12th - 19th century.
We really enjoyed this Barcelona Museum   overlooking the city    c. 1929.
This colorful artifact dates from 12th century.
Every item was well presented in a spacious setting...
What a treat to see these pieces from early 1900's !
Stained glass work, early 1900's
Inlaid wood art detail around this settee.
Their great "relaxing room".....a great museum visit!

Wednesday, October 26

Gaudi ....most unique !!

the Casa Batllo'
a close up....Gaudi designs did not include any straight lines inside or out
LaSagrada Familia...this is one side
another side....his cathedral was designed + started in 1882
Passion side.... entrance
a pix of how it will look when it's completed...projected for 2022

Tuesday, October 25


We are now in Barcelona...staying just a block from their La Boqueria
This is a great place to wander + view + smell...
....admire the colorful displays.
.....see some unusual offerings. Rabbit, duck, pheasant, quail.... anyone??
They will even prepare your meal !

Monday, October 24

Travels around Tuscany

Oh. .....we enjoyed driving thru the Tuscany countryside!  Seeing....
Volterra and their 2,000 year old Roman Theater
.....and their Etruscan Musee with artifacts  c 1500 B.C.
and of course, they have those charming shops !
Then....there was the Abby of Mt Oliveto Maggiore
charming villages
Vineyards and Olive trees along the roadside
Wonderful country scenes on the way to Montalcino hilltown/winetown
This time of year, the hillsides were not green...
...but the vistas were still awesome as we traveled along the ridge roads.