Thursday, March 5

Belem, Brazil

Here we are ...visiting a city of 2.5 million !!!
This was the first European Colony on the Amazon.
Our tender port above 'n below... far from their city center .

We took a shuttle bus into their city.
A 2 way road which turned into 5 lanes of one way traffic.
Sooooo we had a 45 minute drive to view the area.

Our shuttle took us to their 300 year old market ~ VER O PESO

Their open market is the largest in South America.
From the riverside market we did a walkabout to see their historic area .

Their nearby fort~ dates to 1616
 Cathedral of Se ~18th century
 Paz Theatre opened 1874 ~ fabulous structure !

Park across from theater
Local artists murals downtown
Wealthy European families flooded to Belem and transformed this city with ornate architecture, earning the city the nickname ~ Paris of the Americas. 

What a colorful place....