Friday, February 28

Santarem, Brazil

Arrival at this city...

City's Cathedral ~1711

The Amazon River is the main "commute" for these residents, their roads are in poor many folks depend on river for travel.

Big boats and small use the river to move people from town to town = long distance, so the residents can buy a boat ticket which entitles them to a hammock for their travel days.

Our bus tour included a visit to this rural family farm.

Above is milky sap = LATEX gathered from rubber tree.

Peeling of Manioc tubers, which is then ground, drained 'n cooked. We observed this activity at the family property. Manioc = Cassava or yucca is a staple in Brazilian cooking.

Brazil Nuts they fill a dense, heavy pod.

Ahhhh, these are the memory from my childhood.

Nice'n informative time with a local family...