Saturday, April 16


Here we are, enjoying some sites in Miami area...

~ The Ancient Spanish Monastery ~
Construction of the Monastery and Cloisters began in Spain in 1133, nearly 360 years b 4 Columbus set sail for the new world. It was completed in 1141 AD. Then occupied by Monks for 700 years. until about 1830 when it was seized, sold and converted to a granary and stable.  In 1925 William Randolph Hearst purchased the buildings, had them dismantled stone by stone + shipped to the USA. They remained in storage till 1952 a year after Hearst death. 
A total of 11,000 wooden crates, w/o any numbering system 
were purchased by 2 fellas to use as a tourist attraction. The bldgs were then reconstructed on this site. The Cloisters are now home to an active Episcopal congregation.

A fabulous structure ! With every piece in just the right place.
                                                 Then we took a tour of.....

This was the winter estate of John Deering...originally 180 acres along the bay. His inspiration was "estates of Europe" .  It took 2 yrs to build the main house. It was constructed to look as if it had been lived in for centuries ...using only native plants and local materials.
The formal gardens were added later.

A fabulous setting along Biscayne Bay !
We also enjoyed spending time at the Lowe Art Museum 
on campus of U. of Miami.
And of course, Chihuly was there !