Sunday, December 28

Fanning Island, Karibati

Fanning Island, a coral reef, has an elevation of 10 ft. 
Discovered in 1798, no inhabitants. Land area about 13 sq.miles. 
A population of 2,000+ with no electricity or running water.

We have arrived !
Tenders took us into English Harbor...
Our arrival was special as very few ships stop here each year.
the Village Church chorus welcome...what energy + enthusiasm !

the Market set up just for us.
The Island School children's chorus 

Really !! .... Seaweed plantations.
In addition to coconut products, locals also harvest + export seaweed.
Looking across the lagoon, which is about 425 sq. miles.
50 ft at it's deepest, but mostly shallow waters.
This is probably as close as anyone could get to a...
"proverbial virgin tropical island". What a great experience !