Wednesday, August 31

London.......Day 3

To the British Museum this morning.
The interior covered court area of this huge place.
So much to see here.....
The Rosetta Stone !
Just one of.... many mummies.
Over whelming !!
Frieze/Sculptures from the Parthenon, that were acquired in 1816.

In the afternoon we went to the British Library. Newer is huge !!      We viewed the Magna Carta, signed 1215, also a copy of the Gutenberg Bible from 1450....and  many other interesting documents.
Note the awesome structure looming over the Library. It is just the top of one end of the Hotel St.Pancras (remodeled + reopened just this year)
 A Railroad Hotel, St. Pancras was established in 1871.  St Pancras International remains one of the greatest Victorian buildings in London. 
Key destination for Eurostar.  Impresssive place !                           
This was a wonderful day   #3 !!