Saturday, October 24

Santa Fe

We're on the way.... to Santa Fe !

The Santa Fe Trail was used from 1820's, then the Railroad came in 1880.
And now.... we have arrived at historic Santa Fe !  

We enjoyed a day at their interesting Museums up on The Hill.

The next day we spent in the historic down town area. 
Above is New Mexico Museum of Art ..the oldest art museum in New Mexico.  Established 1917

This is Santa Fe Plaza, a National Historic Landmark . 
It has been the gathering place for the community since 1620.
St. Francis Cathedral Basilica was established in Santa Fe,  400 years ago.
The Loretto Chapel was completed in 1878.
and above.... the San Miguel Mission was rebuilt in early 1700's.
The Santa Fe historic downtown is truly a visit "back in time". 
We had a really great visit @ Santa Fe    : ~ )

Friday, October 23


"Pueblo de Taos is a remarkable example of a traditional type of architectural ensemble from the
prehispanic period. Unique to this region and one which because of the living culture of its
community, has successfully retained most of its traditional forms up to the present day."
A World Heritage UNESCO site

This settlement was established in 13th-14th century....and still occupied.
The Taos Pueblo ceremonial building.

~ Colorful Taos Balloon Festival ~
San Francisco de Asis Mission Church was built between 1772 - 1816.

The supporting buttress on the back side !

Wednesday, October 21

Headed north...

Near Holbrook, we camped + toured the Petrified Forest National Park.
Above left, is a fallen tree.
North to see Canyon DeChelly...view above taken along canyon rim.
 Truly fabulous views....note the original road on canyon floor.
See the 2 eye brows on canyon wall ?  A close up photo is below...
Then continuing north , we stopped at 4 Corners

We headed east on #64 to Taos, and found "Winter" at 10,700 elev.

Tuesday, October 20

Road Trip

Off we go....
AZ up, then over into New Mexico, then back to AZ