Wednesday, January 14

Cruising the South Sea

...thank you for following along with us !

Tuesday, January 6

Nuka Hiva

Our last stop in our South Sea Islands cruise...
Postcard view of the bay...

Arrival into that bay...
ok, ok.  this is truly the most picturesque island of all !!   :~)
Our welcome ! Only a dozen ships stop here each year.
Walk'about along the shallow bay...

           Above: Church wood carvings are an example of the residents' skills        Ancestral techniques used for their carvings are not found anywhere else.       .

These orange trees were spectacular ! 

This last port stop on our cruise was truly memorable...
remote, mostly uninhabited, and so colorful. 

Most picturesque ! 

Sunday, January 4

Rangiroa, Society Is.

We entered the Lagoon thru Avatoru of a hundred narrow passages, as seen above. Moto elevation @ 35 ft.or less 

This is a restaurant deck along the waterway/pass into the lagoon.

View from our ship balcony, as we passed thru the narrow channel.
...this is that narrow channel
Many dolphins playing in the fast moving entrance to the atoll .

Here we are parked in their Lagoon.
We tendered into Avatoru, with population around 800.

One of 2 general stores.....w/ fresh croissants available !

Our friendly welcome...included a handmade + "sized" head dress. :~)

Our he followed us out to the ship. Such friendly folks!

Saturday, January 3


Moorea....for a day!
That little white speck could be us anchored in Cook's Inlet/on left...    :~)

 We anchored at Capt Cook inlet....looking up from our ship
and then...looking down !

Some pictures taken on our drive around the entire island.

Sainte Famille ~ 1897

A welcome... to the most picturesque island of all !  

Friday, January 2


Arrival into Papeete port...
Our welcome 

Government House

Catholic Church in town center.

View from our ship of their "Night Market".
Gathering spot for families ... to "dine" and play each evening!
Flower Market ...lovely!!
....and so colorful, too

We sailed away from Papeete 'n couple hours later... were at Moorea