Sunday, December 23

Winter Trip South to AZ

Belliago Water Show..always great !
Chihuly is there
The Belliago Atrium Garden Display
Everything made with flowers !

Heading south of  L.V.
Such vistas....for miles 'n miles
...including huge boulders
Cactus, of course...
AZ...we're home !

Wednesday, December 12

Happy Birthday, Elisha

ahhhhhhhhhh..... just 21 years ago !

....and at 11 years old.
Twelve years old on 12/12

 12 / 12 / '12

Our sweet little girl is a lovely young lady @ 21.
Hugs for your birthday ...we are so proud of you!
 Love you forever !  XXOXX G+G

....lovely @ 22 !