Thursday, April 15

G.Kids in Gettysburg

Spring Vacation with the gkids in PA, 

Monday, April 5

Savannah + Monticello

We visited this charming city on our way up to PA

Delicious lunch at Paula Deen's "Lady + Sons"
Interesting heritage homes....
Savannah waterfront.  
Then we continued our drive north. 
Camped near Jefferson's home "Monticello"

We toured his home and garden and orchard areas.
What a wonderful place Mr. J had ...on his mountain top.

Monday, March 29

Cruise to Panama Canal

We were staying in Naples for the winter, 
so just drove over to Fort Lauderdale ....
n' hopped on the Coral Princess .....
destination?  the Panama Canal
 A port stop on the way... Nassau.  
This is Atlantis on Paradise Island
Chihuly was there !
 .....tight, tight squeeze thru those locks !

Thursday, January 1

New Years in Florida Keys

Jim 'n James
Just looking....
The girls..
Our driver "extraordinaire"
And ....they are so friendly !!